Tuesday 14 August 2012

My last Ramadhan ,maybe ?

Hemmm ,I don't know why ...Tapi ,saya sangat merasai kehadiran Ramadhan kali nie .My heart sinks deeper as Ramadhan approaches the end .I never feel this before .Maybe this is my last Ramadhan .Who know ?

Al-Ankabut : 57
كُلُّ نَفْسٍ ذَائِقَةُ الْمَوْتِ ثُمَّ إِلَيْنَا تُرْجَعُونَ
"Every living being has to taste death: then, ultimately you shall all be returned to Us"

Astagfirullahalazim ,I don't know why ...After suffering a fever ,I always think about MATI .Always sangat ...Allah ,I'm not ready yet .I still got a lot of things to do .I still do not have enough bekalan to bring along .Sooooo many things to do ,Ya Allah ...Please Ya Allah ,panjangkan umurku supaya sempat aku taubat kepadaMU Ya Allah dan sempat juga aku memperbanyakkan amalan ku Ya Allah :(

Ramadhan will be leaving us soon .So ,how do we feel ? You ... Me ... 
Gumbira atau sedih with this Ramadhan ?For me ,this is the best Ramadhan I have ever had .

In Islam ,sebuah amal even our lives will be determine by how we end it .We know the terms ,Khusnul Khatimah and Su'ul Khatimah .

I am 19 years old .That mean ,I live already for 19 years old .As I remembered ,saya baligh when I was 12 years old .So ,about 7 years saya dah tanggung dosa sendiri .Astagfirullahalazim ...Soooo many sins ,that I have done .Not counted how many errors have been made .How many promises do not kept .


Allahuakhbar ,I don't know why I can't stop thinking about mati .Why ?? Maybe ,I miss mak ayah and rumah so much .Tambah pulak ,this is my very first time celebrate raya without my family .Seriously ,I'm not ready yet to face that day .The day of sakaratul maut .

I'm not ready yet to leave mak .
I'm not ready yet to leave ayah .
I'm not ready yet to leave abg ,kak ila ,kak syoda ,najwa ,che mat and balqis .
I'm not ready yet to leave my buddies .
I'm not ready yet to leave Uteh ,my cat .
I'm not ready yet to answers Mungkar and Nakir .
I'm not ready yet for everything .
I'm not ready yet for that moment .

Do I still have a chance to meet next Ramadhan ?? I'm afraid that I have no chance to meet next Ramadhan...

Dari Abu Hurairah r.a. bahawa Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. bersabda: "Apabila seorang manusia mati, putuslah (tulisan pahala) amalan (setakat itu) Kecuali tiga perkara (yang akan berlanjutan tulisan pahalanya) iaitu sedekah jariah atau ilmu memberi kepada yang faedah orang lain atau anak yang soleh yang berdoa untuknya."


  1. Semoga penghujung hidup kita diakhiri dgn jalan yang diredhaiNya..^_^

  2. ehh .. x baik cakap macam tu jaja ..
